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Is it a really good idea to invest or trade in financial markets especially in FX markets? Should I really consider investing in these markets beside my main job?

Is it true that 95% of traders lose money? And is it true that you can also make an amazingly huge profit? All these are true but it depends on how you treat it... If you treat it like a business, it will be a real business. If you treat it like a gamble, you will get it like the gamble. I have seen many people or newbies made a lot of profits from just investing with little money in just one or two weeks. However, at the end, most of them lost all of their money in just one trade or a few days later. So what should I do to make it right?

These are common questions to new investors and most people. They always curiously doubt about this part of the world. Why? Because, mostly, lots and lots of people heard that you would never make money out of this type of investment. Some said you would lose money 95% of the time. Some said 60% or so. Many, moreover, are even think that it's a gamble and etc.

It really depends on whom you heard it from. Of course if you heard it from those people who mostly lost their money or could not make any profit themselves, what answer would you expect them to tell you? How about those people who believe that it's the gamble? Surely it is the gamble if you treat it like the gamble. And you know what? Unsurprisingly, this is how tons and tons of people have been commonly treating it as so. They only want to make a lot of money but they don't want to work on anything else at all. They don't want to do their homework or do their due diligent each day to study, learn and analyze technically and fundamentally before they start to touch their hands on this. Some just like to copy someone else's trades without any knowledge at all and when they lose money they just keep screaming at those whom they copy the trades from and never blame themselves. Some didn't even... read more

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Disclaimer: The information in this content represents my own opinions, knowledge, and experience that I’ve learnt and been through. So in sharing this information is to help you with ideas to include in your research before making a decision to either trading or stepping into this part of investment. Please read the full Risk Disclaimer in the term and condition section.
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A Briefcase What is an internet merchant account?
The internet merchant account is an online business tool that you should definitely have it if you work on the internet or are in the online world. It's the most convenient and the safest way to pay and to get paid online and it's fast and easy to use. Is it safe? How do I choose which merchant account company I should use? Read the full article...
The earth in yellow background Do you want to master the Google AdWords advertising strategy?
This guy Perry Marshall  is a master of this marketing technique. Lots and lots of top producers in the industry have learnt and benefitted so much from him. You can try his 5 days e-course for free here 5 Days to Success with Google AdWords. Marketing using Google is amazingly powerful. It has a system that makes it possible, for the first time in the history of the world, to deposit five bucks, write a couple of ads, and instantly get access to over 100 million people - in less than 10 minutes. However, it can also waste you quickly thousands of dollars without making any sales at all if you have no idea what you're doing. read more