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IWBS | Marketing | Internet Merchant Accounts

Internet Merchant Accounts

The Globe in a Cart

An internet merchant account is an online business tool that you should definitely have it if you work on the internet or are in the online world. It's the most convenient and the safest way to pay and to get paid online and it's fast and easy to use.

What is the online merchant account? An easy way to understand this, just think of it like your bank account. The different is you use it on the internet. There is no interest for saving money in this account. The online merchant account was created to use mostly for all about money online process, transaction or trading online purposes. If you want your website or your company to be able to receive payment online, to accept credit card payment online, or to transfer money online to/from anyway around the globe with a few clicks in just a second securely, the merchant account is what it is for. It also allows individual to use for his or her personal purposes like paying for online purchases, sending money to other people or wire transferring to your bank account.

There is a fee though but it's normally free for buyers when purchasing online. However, for sellers, there is a small fee for each transaction though when getting paid or transferring money. Normally for the transferring, if you use the balance in your online merchant account, it's normally free but if you use the balance in your credit cards, there is a fee. Anyway this policy and fee is varied different for each online merchant account service provider. It's normally really cheap though, cheaper than normal banks' transaction fee.

Another reason why is it good to use the online merchant account. People are normally so afraid when it comes to making payment especially nowadays there are so many scams. They're so worried to give out their credit card information. They don't know where their credit card information will go to. Whether is safe or not to make this payment. People think so many things when it comes to this step. As the result, they back out at the last second, end up not making any purchases at all. However, if they use online merchant accounts to pay for their purchases, instead of giving out their credit cards information directly to a seller's website, they can just use their online merchant accounts to make a payment. Only do the merchant account services that have their credit card information. This way the buyers can be more sure that their financial information will be safer and confidential.

It's actually not only safe for buyers but also for sellers. The sellers can also feel safer as well from spamers. They can be sure that they will receive the payment instantly.

To open an online merchant account, it's also really quick and easy, and there are many merchant account services that you can normally open it for free. However, there are also the ones you have to pay monthly, annually maintenance or service fee to use their merchant accounts, setting up fee things like that. And some only provide accounts for a specific country or continent. However many companies provide accounts worldwide. By the specific country meaning only people in that specific country can sign up for accounts.

There are lots and lots of companies that run merchant account services. And because this is directly related to money, so there will be a lot attracted to many hackers, scamers and spamers. So you should be really careful when you choose which merchant account you want to use for your business. Do a research for each carefully before you decide to pick one. Consider these things when you do a research on it.

  • Security system: it's the most important thing to consider. Is there any buyer and seller protection, fraud prevention? Also check their company policy.
  • Function & Flexibility: Mostly looking for support types. Do they support all payment types? What type of currencies they accept. Many also provide you with a credit or debit card that link directly to your account so you can use or withdraw money from ATMs around the globe.
  • Fee: Check for transaction fee, transferring fee, what else do you have to pay and such?
  • Areas: is it able to use globally? Is it commonly used around the world? Is it well known? The reputation of that merchant account services is also kind of help too because buyers will feel more confident and safer when they see the payment option that they've already well known when making payments or filling in their credit card information.
These are some of the internet merchant accounts that we have been using.

  —   PayPal: Free, provide accounts in 190 countries worldwide.
  —   Skrill(MoneyBooker): Free, provide accounts in over 200 countries worldwide.
  —   SolidTrustPay: Free for personal and business account. There is a set up fee and monthly fee for corporate account. Provide accounts worldwide.

P.S. All the free ones that we mentioned here are not included transaction fee. It's free for the start up fee like signing up, setting up, monthly, or annual maintenance fee only. All internet merchant accounts will usually charge for the transaction fee to sellers and will charge both sellers and buyers for transferring money anyway.

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