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IWBS | Marketing | Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

A key to social media marketing The power of social media marketing and the basic concepts to know before start marketing using social media

Social Media marketing has become more and more powerful today than it was a few years ago. It is one of the most powerful internet marketing strategies nowadays and the best part is... it's free. However the problem is that many people are normally treating it wrong and they don't even realize it, and to do it right you need to understand one important thing that there are two main purposes why people are using it for.

Did you know that social media marketing has become an inevitable tool today than it was a few years ago? Why?

  –   There are almost 1 billion people now using Facebook. That's like 1(one) of every 7(seven) people in the world is on Facebook. More than 50% of the members log on Facebook every day.
  –   There are around 175 million Twitter accounts have been opened.
  –   75% of the world population use social media. You know for many people, their internet use is just social media.
  –   Billions of contents are shared each month on Facebook alone. In Twitter, more than a hundred million tweets every day. In YouTube, more video is uploaded everyday that's more than the 3 major US TV networks created in 60 years and all of those videos are being watched with over 3 billion YouTube video watch daily. More than 2 million views every second!

There are many big companies in the world that using social media marketing and make unbelievably incredible profit. For example Dell computer made millions of dollars just using normal Twitter account alone or Southwest Airline also made so make bookings from using Twitter or Facebook as well. There are also a lot of well known entrepreneurs who use social media marketing to make money beside big companies.

So how would you like that marketing through these social media sites? They're still growing in an accelerated pace. Is it really possible to actually boost a lot more sales using social media? The answer is yes and it's not actually hard at all if you know the right way to do it and the great thing is... it's free.

Now, firstly, to do it right, you need to understand this one really important factor. There are 2 types of social media.

  • make you money
  • make you friends

The one single problem is people normally treat business social media like personal social media. In other words they try to create relationship not business relationship.

Of course building relationship is still the absolute key with your currently potential clients and it has to be in appropriate conversations about appropriate topics. However it's not true that some gurus say social media is all about the relationship or conversations. That's wrong. Sure it's right if your purpose in using social media is to just make friends. That's no problem. There is why you have to separate between your personal social media account and your business social media account. We will get into that later. Anyway, let's take a look at this. If you search on Google between conversation, relationship and content, the highest search result is content. It is what people use social media for. It's 9 times more than those two. It's primary all about quality, interesting, valuable contents. You don't start with conversation like what your favorite sport's team is but you start with what your content is about. Then you have the conversation about it and build relationship around the content you're sharing. One thing to remember, your customers don't really care or want to be your friend. They care about what value you provide.

How do you do it right?

  –   Start with making 2 separated accounts, the one for your personal purpose and the other for your business. For the personal account is for your social purpose or making friends and stuff. For your business account is all about your interesting, valuable, quality business content. The main purpose here is to build trust and confidence in you as a business person and company. You want people to know that you're knowledgeable, helpful and trustworthy and see you as the best source of your particular niche that lead them to conclude they would only follow and do business with you. To make that happen, your business social media presence has to reflect your unique competitive strengths and advantages.

  –   In Facebook you can create a page for your business. Don't create 2 Facebook accounts. Create one personal Facebook account and a business page for your business. In Twitter it doesn't have a page but you can create many Twitter accounts so create 2 Twitter accounts separately, one for business and one for your personal.

  –   In the business page or account, it is ok sometime to say some personal things but you have to be extra careful and be appropriate to participant in their lives not yours because it would be more likely to repel them if you share about your life too much. However it is also good to occasionally add personality by sharing carefully selected personal detail with your customers.

  –   When you post in your business page, don't just post to tell people to buy, buy and buy. Post most value contents than sale pitches. You have to actually give more value than trying to sell your products. The more the better.

  –   The valuable contents here are not all about everything. They have to be something around your niche or services. If you post about everything from global news to businesses, you will bore them because that is not what they are interested in.

  –   Don't just try to extend your business social media network by targeting every single one just because you want to have as many followers as possible. Because the point is who makes up your audience and their level of interests in what you offer directly determines your ability to sell to them. Would you rather have 600 potential customers who follow everything you post or hundreds of thousands of people who ignore everything you say?

Here are some useful tools to help boost your social media productivity.

There are a lot more strategies in social media marketing. We will keep providing more useful tips or strategies about this marketing strategy. Stay up to date with our site or you can subscribe to get email updates of our website.

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